Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
SPACE::Core::cFrameLimiterThis class manages the time
SPACE::Graphic::cGraphicCoreInit the main graphic system
SPACE::Input::cKeyInputHandle the Key Input
SPACE::Core::cProcessManagerThis class manages all the processes
SPACE::Core::cStateManagerThis class manages all the states
SPACE::Core::cTimerThe timer class whis is handled by SPACE::Core::cTimerManager
SPACE::Core::cTimerManagerManages the cTimer
SPACE::Core::sProcessSaves a process Used by: cProcessManager
SPACE::Core::sStateSaves a State Used by: cStateManager
SPACE::Core::TSingleton< T >A Singleton Class
Generated on Wed Apr 7 17:20:25 2010 for SPACE Engine by  doxygen 1.6.3