SPACE::Graphic::cSprite Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cSprite (SDL_Surface *_Screen)
bool Load (const char *_ImagePath)
 Load a normal Image.
void SetColorKey (int _R, int _G, int _B)
 Set the ColorKey.
void SetPos (float _X, float _Y)
 sets the Position
void Move (float _dX, float _dY)
bool Render ()
 render a simple sprite
SDL_Rect GetRect ()
void SetH (int h)
void SetW (int h)

Member Function Documentation

SDL_Rect SPACE::Graphic::cSprite::GetRect (  )  [inline]
returns the Rect
void cSprite::Move ( float  _dX,
float  _dY 

Use this, if you want to move the sprite (eg. 10 Pixel) to the (eg. left).

_dX The ammount we add in X coordinate
_dY The ammount we add in Y coordinate

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Generated on Wed Apr 7 17:20:25 2010 for SPACE Engine by  doxygen 1.6.3